EVE-Skillplan.net - Changelog


  • Fixed an issue that prevented some ESI connections to work properly, blocking several characters from getting updated


  • Fixed an issue that prevented the text list import to work properly in some browsers


  • Added an icon to indicate if a skill is only available for Omega clone status
  • Added a bar to show the monthly ISK donation goal to support the platform and keep it up and running (starting in September)
  • Fixed the skill level that ESI provides for already trained Omega skills on Alpha characters


  • Added more information to the character main screen like Omega status, number of skills trained and skills trained to level V
  • Fix progress display on character main screen for current skill in training


  • Fixed an issue that prevented some skills from being imported properly when using the new skill list import feature


  • Fixed an issue that caused unauthorized ESI calls to stop the entire API refresh for some characters
  • Fixed an issue that caused a false Perception attribute bonus


  • Added an option to import skills from a simple "Copy & Paste" text list of skill names


  • Fixed handling of character attributes that got augmented by implants coming from ESI as combined values

3.0.0 - Relaunch August 2020

  • Reworked the API access to use EVE ESI
  • Added an option to flag characters as Omega/Alpha
  • Added new ships that were added since somewhere in 2018
  • Added a GDPR compliant data privacy policy
  • Updated the static EVE database to the most recent update
  • Fixed several bugs that occurred due to some dependency version updates
  • Removed all legacy XML API functionalities
  • Removed all affiliate advertisements
  • Removed support for EVE's ingame browser

Platform shutdown in May 2018


  • Updated the static EVE database to July update
  • Added new Blood Raider Ships "Dagon", "Molok" and "Chemosh"


  • Fixed an issue that made it impossible to add skills to a skill plan using the mastery system for some mastery levels


  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from logging into their accounts using the email address instead of their username


  • Fixed an issue that occurred for characters that did not have any implants slotted and tried to adjust them in a skill plan


  • Updated the static EVE database to Ascension update
  • Added new ORE Industrial Command Ship "Porpoise" to the ship progress area


  • Fixed an issue that occurred while saving the skill plan column settings for some users


  • Fixed a "division by zero" issue that appeared on empty character skill plans


  • Added an (optional) column to skill plans to display the remaining SP of a skill and needed injectors as a tooltip on it
  • Added the number of trained SP to a character's skill list
  • Added an option to reset the user's password using the email address (of course this only works IF you set an email address to your account)


  • Fixed an issue that caused multiple fitting imports right after another to fail
  • Fixed an issue that caused wrong implant values for newly created skill plans


  • Added the option to edit/simulate implants for skill plans (finally!)
  • Fixed an error that caused the import functions to fail sometimes


  • Added the total amount of skill points a plan contains to the skill plan overview panel
  • Added an info tooltip for mouseover/tap to skill names listed in skill plans


  • Updated the static EVE database to Citadel update
  • Added all new Force Auxiliary ships to the ship progress area
  • Added an option to export your skill plan to your local clipboard to import the skill list into your EVE game client skill queue
  • SSL encryption is now enforced while visiting this platform
  • Fixed an issue that caused some prerequisite skills to show up in the wrong order after adding them to a plan


  • Redeveloped the entire EVE API part of this project from scratch to be independent from 3rd party libraries and their limitations
  • Updated the static EVE database to February 2016 update
  • Added an option to import your current skill queue to a skill plan
  • As soon as you add an API key an API call is triggered to grab all necessary information for this specific key.
    This way characters should show up on the platform immediately after you add a new API key.
  • Added a mechanism to deactivate expired and deleted EVE API keys automatically
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some users from adding API keys (ladda is undefined error)


  • Finally fixed issues with characters not showing up on the platform after several hours
  • Inactive API keys will now display a "Deactivation Reason" when they get deactivated
  • Only API keys that got deactivated due to inactivity will get reactivated upon the next login, other inactive keys (expired ones for example) will have to be readded manually
  • Added an option to search for skills by text input using the skill browser


  • Updated the static EVE database to December update
  • Added all new Command Destroyers to the ship progress area
  • Added all new Logistics Frigates to the ship progress area
  • Added new ORE Expedition Frigate "Endurance" to the ship progress area


  • Removed all ads from the platform
  • Updated the static EVE database to Galatea
  • Greatly reduced the necessary access mask from 59113480 down to 262152
  • Updated Yapeal API library to the most recent version


  • Updated the static EVE database to Aegis
  • Added the Gallente Tactical Destroyer "Hecate" to the ship progress area
  • Updated Yapeal API library to the most recent version


  • Updated Yapeal API library to the most recent version
  • Changed the behaviour of API updates to avoid hangups during refreshes
  • Added a way to display approx time to wait until characters may show up for new accounts
  • Added an indicator to show if your API key is currently active or not
  • API keys not providing the correct access mask will be deactivated to save API refresh load times
  • API keys of accounts that did not login within the last 90 days will be deactivated to save API refresh load times
  • Added a new FAQ page to cover some basic topics (will be extended during next weeks)


  • Updated the static EVE database to Carnyx
  • Added the Caldari Tactical Destroyer "Jackdaw" to the ship progress area
  • Added a column "Completion Time" to your character's skill queue
  • The tab for importing shared skill plans is now the default active import tab


  • Updated the static EVE database to Scylla
  • Fixed an issue that caused some skills to show too long training times


  • Share your skill plans! Yes, it's finally possible...
  • Make your own skill plans visible for the public and share the URL
  • Import shared skill plans from a URL
  • Added an option to create plans for empty characters
  • Changed the way API cache is being handled to avoid API hangups
  • Updated the static EVE database to Tiamat
  • Added the Minmatar Tactical Destroyer "Svipul" to the ship progress area


  • Updated the static EVE database to Proteus
  • Fixed skill training times in case the character already trained a skill partially


  • Updated Yapeal API library to the most recent version
  • Removed clone limits and limit warnings


  • Updated the static EVE database to Rhea
  • Added the new ships "Bowhead" and "Confessor" to the ship progress area


  • Updated Yapeal API library to the most recent version
  • Updated the static EVE database to Phoebe
  • Made some adjustments to match the most recent changes to EVE's API


  • Added another mechanic to prevent false empty skill queue notifications caused by EVE's API delivering empty queues sometimes
  • Updated Yapeal API library to the most recent version
  • Updated the static EVE database to Oceanus


  • Added a mechanic to prevent false empty skill queue notifications caused by EVE's API delivering empty queues sometimes
  • Updated Yapeal API library to the most recent version


  • Added the possibility to remove a character from a given API key (especially useful for traded characters)
  • Added primary and secondary skill attributes to the skill browser
  • Added notifications for most recent changes (aka this changelog)
  • Fixed a bug where skill names wouldn't break into more lines on lower screen resolutions


  • Added the EVE mastery system to the "Ship progress" area (web based EVE Ship Tree)
  • Added a function to add further skill levels of an already planned skill to your plan
  • Added a function to add missing skills for the next mastery level to a skill plan of your choice
  • Fixed a bug with special characters in corp titles blocking API updates
  • Updated the static EVE database to Hyperion
  • Updated Yapeal API library to the most recent version


  • Characters will be sorted by "left skill queue runtime" - inactive characters will be listed last
  • Added an option to hide characters from lists
  • Rebuilt the whole skill plan area to get more space in terms of width for the actual skill plan
  • Added settings to specify which columns you want to display in your skill plans
  • Added icons for primary and secondary attribute of each skill to the skill plan list
  • Added Total SP to the list of skills
  • Added a warning sign to display insufficient clone sizes within the skill plan
  • Fixed a bug where the Dramiel showed up as Minmatar Faction Frigate


  • Rebuilt the landingpage for a more detailed overview of what's waiting inside of EVE-Skillplan.net
  • Added a web based EVE Ship Tree system called "Ship Progress"
  • Added the possibility to optimize remapping points
  • Added the possibility to get notifications for free room in skill queues
  • Added a general overview and the character's attributes/implants to skill plans
  • Major performance improvements


  • Updated Yapeal library to fix a bug preventing API cache refresh
  • Fixed a bug that crashed the skill browser under some weird circumstances
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some skills from being added to a skill plan


  • Removed "AccountBalance" from the required access mask
  • Added EVE Ingame Browser support for skill info and market details


  • Initial release